Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9 - Persona Poetry

Jerome is
from the heart within
The product derived from passion
Crime infested cities
To the islands of Japan
Action is everywhere to be found
As well as drug-ridden mob bosses
Loved by many however
Small independence
Yet then grows to fame
Such is the life of
In medias res.
Often known
robbing diamond stores
or perhaps seeking revenge
someone will surely die
someone you know well
or someone you hate
What is it that I get from this
the feeling of accomplishment
and maybe living
what I could not before
It won't be clear
but I know I must continue
to do the things that
make others happy too.
So we go now
Let us make history
There is no crutch in the way
Make good movies

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2 - Top Secret

It is a great day for snow and work is canceled, at least for me. My wife who works in the Counter Terrorism Unit must go to work, but takes a shower beforehand. I wrap up in my warm blankets and try to fall asleep. Everything is fine until I start hearing her voice coming out of the shower. She must think I'm asleep, of course, so who is she talking to? I begin to hear some secrets that weren't for me to hear. She reveals secrets that the United States government is buying up all the warm blankets in the country so that no one can sleep in during snow days. It is further revealed she is seeing someone else, an associate from her work as well.
Weeks have passed and she has left me and I have no warm blankets. Life is over.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21 - Ekphrasis

The end of days is when Titans walk
All deformed, large, and here to mock
They roam the fields with such odd shape
All whom have seen this sight wear a black crape
Eventually they destroy till nothing more
And they shrivel and die, in this land of lore

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20 - Emotions

After moving to San Francisco due to her father finding a new job, Riley is having a battle in her head between her 5 most important emotions, Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgust. Though Riley and her emotions will never meet each other, they must work together to come to a resolve.
She is feeling extreme Fear when moving from the calm Midwest, to the uppity and busy West Coast. Perhaps she is also angry at her parents for making her move involuntarily. At no point in time right now does she feel any Joy. Disgusted at the polluted West Coast, she misses her old home and now feels sadness. It now seems none of her emotions can get along. However, after sneaking into her father's office, she reads plans of a top secret mission. This is the reason they have moved to the West Coast. Her father is part of the mafia and has been sent here to survey the land for any illegal suspicious activity that would flounder the business. She now feels Joy and all her other emotions have come to a resolve.
The End

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17 - Found Poem

Working with what I'm given

City Burning
A mystery of razing remains
She smirked and tossed her hair
Public enemy number one
I'm here for you
I took a deep breath
She looked at me
Long and hard
done and done
I'm not in any hurry
The fish.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday. November 14 - The Berlin Wall

As a young boy living in Eastern Berlin I had never seen the outside world. This was my home and it was normal to have guns pointed at you daily. I thought that this happened everywhere in the world but they told me it was just in this half of Berlin. They said the wall was there to protect us but my parents told me that was a lie.
Later when I was at the age of 15, I decided that I couldn't take this life anymore. I wanted to get away but I did not know how. Approaching the wall would get me shot and that was really the only option I could think of. My parents told me I had an older brother living on the West side of the wall that they hadn't spoken to in years, and whom I've never met. I had to get to him somehow. Then it hit me; I would have to travel through the sewers.
I had spent an entire six months plotting courses and finding routes where the sewers lead. My parents did not want me to do this, but they didn't want to stop me either. They said I had a much better chance than them at escaping, but I had a choice. Leave East Berlin and probably never see my parents again to live a better life, or I stick with them through thick and thin. After careful consideration, I told them I was doing this for them. I left later that night, past curfew. I studied the guards nightly routines daily which made it easier for me to leave.
I made it into the sewer carrying only a flashlight, a little bit of food and clothes, and my map. I was now on my own for the rest of my days it seemed. Traversing the epic sewage systems was the only way I could get across the wall. If you can't go over a wall, you might as well go under it. I was in there for so long I had no idea if it was light or dark on the surface. Eventually, I reached what I thought was my destination and opening the manhole showed I was on the other side of the wall. I had made it! Finding my brother, the one who I have never met or even seen a photograph of, was now the real problem. To make a long story short, I never found him. I spent the rest of the days in West Berlin as a street rat, living off old bread and other nasty food. I could tell no one my name as they could easily send me back to the East. This is how life had to be, and I lived it as best as I could.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13 - Macabre Arts

This image to me represents a group of people being driven out of their homeland and living in agony. Living the rest of their days being oppressed and forced around. I initially thought it was a Trail of Tears depiction, people crying for help and clinging to their loved ones. Upon further consideration, I boiled it down to a World War II concentration camp and the eradication of the Jewish people. I see the Star of David and a gas barrel. Not much else can be said about the picture itself besides the obvious pain all of these people are in.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - The Haunted House

Never again will I spend the night at my friend's house. Specifically just in that house. Everything was perfectly fine until sundown, they had a great big television and a refrigerator full of food to last a zombie apocalypse. It was all dandy until the sun reached the brink of the horizon and fell down exposing darkness over the land. The season is winter so sundown is quite early, and this family I'm staying with goes to bed at premature dusk. They also sleep with ear plugs and eye masks. What freaks they must be, I couldn't sleep for ages just because I was contemplating how someone could go to sleep so early with such goofy hardware they have to wear. At that time I heard a noise coming from under the floor, which I believe the source was from the basement. It sounded like a faint howl from a dog, but this family does not own any pets. I did what any rational person would do and I grabbed the blanket beside me and covered myself completely. This seems to help psychologically. Moments afterwards I heard a scurry across the floor below and footsteps going up the stairs. Alone in the living room, I hear the basement door creak open and I stare into the darkness. I gaze for what seems like years and feel eyes peer back into mine. I stay completely still but I feel my point of view push inwards towards that door, and I am now looking through a fish eye lens. I become mortified, why did they not include free ear plugs and an eye mask. Seconds later, I flop to the ground. I have become a fish. "Ggluggaergh" I say because I am a fish and cannot speak a language.  The family cannot hear my hard flopping thanks to their earplugs. Due to lack of water, my fishy life expires and I lay on the cold floor.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - Ewww....that's creepy!

Silently sitting in the shadows
Enduring another drag of the cigarillo
Nihilistically he ponders in the small somber room
When day breaks, this will be his tomb.

The fragility of existence is null in this room
Aged whiskey yet seems to help
He is God in this little place
Willfully, he chooses to die at his own pace.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28 - LeBron's Day Out

LeBron James figured it was in his best interest to celebrate at the award winning Cheesecake Factory, for some award winning cheesecake, after winning his outstanding award at the NCAA Championships. He arrives in his stretch limousine, except his gas light has been on for the past ten miles; he will surely be stuck here for good. He orders the Slammin' Jammin' Cheesecake, as the final score to win the championships was an award winning slam dunk from the master himself. In his small satchel, he holds hundreds of packs of signature Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, to hand out to everyone, since he feels generous after such a long night. It is going to be a good night.

Upon devouring three Slammin' Jammin' Cheesecakes whole, LeBron believes it is time to go home to his wife and continue the celebration. Walking up to his limousine, he remembers there is not much gas left and will have to try hard to make it to a gas station. Turning the keys, the car lets out a loud burp and shuts off. He used the rest of the gas to start it up; there's nothing left to get him anywhere. He ponders for a moment and realizes a portion of the money he has accumulated has gone into research and development of  Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, and has more uses to it than chewing. Long ago, before Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum was discontinued, and the study of Ethanol being used for car fuel began to surface, the LeBron James Institute secretly began conducting experiments to synthesize Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum to be used as car fuel. This is the very reason Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum was discontinued, it was to be a secret source of easily  manufactured fuel for a certain group of LeBron's associates and close friends.

"No! I've given away all of my signature named Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, and have no source of fuel for my signature Stretchin' LeBron James Limousine!" LeBron James cries aloud. "My generosity has led me nowhere and my only source of fuel is in the mouths of those who I now hate most."

Luckily, the LeBron James Institute has planted tracking devices in each piece of Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum. LeBron James pulls out his cell phone and calls his most trusted scientists to track down everyone whom he handed Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum out to, so he may then reclaim what was once his and drive home to his beloved wife.

Hours pass by and it is quite late in the night. A helicopter flies overhead and drops a care package next to the limousine. Opening the package reveals packs and packs of Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, all of which have been in LeBron's hands earlier that night. Chewed gum also resides in the package, some covered in blood, for those who put up a fight.

"Thank you strangers," He speaks to himself. "Without your courage and valor, I would never make it home to celebrate my achievements with my beloved wife."

He slides the gum into the fuel tank and drives home with ease, smelling like a giant dank lemon while doing it.

The End

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27 - Fairy Tale Name Poem

F    Favorable
R    Reliable
O    Omniscient
G    Greatest

P    Pacifistic
R    Rationalistic
I    Imaginative
N    Nonchalant
C    Capable
E    Ebullient

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24 - X Marks the Spot

Yarr, these be the sea dog days of me life, Captain Rhubarb, Salty Joe and I been searching these parts for weeks looking for the buried treasure. Not too long ago my crew pillaged a small, puny ship and recovered a treasure map deep in the hull and we been searching ever since. The island where X marks the spot be just dead ahead and we arrr moments away from being rich.
"Yo ho ho matees, we are minutes away from breaking our backs from relentless digging." Rhubarb exclaims.
We have landed and we run off the ship as quickly as our wooden peg legs allow us, spades in hand. A huge red X marks the spot just on the shore and we begin excavatin'. Hours pass and we only be maybe six feet deep, and Salty Joe is feeling far too salty.
"Captain, me needs a break!" Joe asks Rhubarb.
"Yarr, you be resting on the job, and you'll get no cut from this treasure!" Rhubarb carefully explains.
Salty Joe does not rest and continues working hard, and eventually, a think is heard from the hole being dug, and shovels start moving twice as fast. In no time, the huge treasure chest is visible and all three of us pull it out.
"It's so beautiful, imagine the precious riches in this chest, ye mateys!" Salty Joe cries out!
All three gathered around the found of the chest, we open it slowly, with anticipation.
"What is this foul treachery, there be no booty in here, just gold coins!" I say.
"This chest is full of nothing from diamonds and gems and doubloons!" Captain Rhubarb screams.
As it turns out, this chest was overflowing with wealth, but not what we be looking for, we've spent weeks looking for booty and not even on a deserted island is there such a thing. We scurvy dogs go home empty handed now.
Life as a butt pirate ain't easy.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23 - That's punny!

On the boat that John and Sam were arguing at, things started to get heated.

"Seariously Sam, water you doing?"

"Well, you sea John, I couldn't reely tell you, I don't even know."

"Everything you've been herring about this treasure in the ocean is all fake."

"I've at least got to find some porpoise in my life, it's got to be here."

"I completely trout you'll ever find it Sam, you're krilling our entire weekend by wasting time on this."

"Whale, just give me a few more minutes, I've just been trying to find it bassed on this poorly drawn map."

"Okay, I will give you one last oppor-tuna-ty to look for it."

And so they went on like this and did not find the treasure.

The end.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21 - Déjà Vu

Caroline studied the old man carefully. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him reminded her of someone else. But who?
Perhaps the reason is because she has been waiting at the DMV for quite a few hours now. In the delusional state of mind we all receive from being at the DMV, she probably is using her own imagination to cure the boredom she is undergoing. She carefully examines the man and notices the faint scar on his left cheek that she so vividly remembers, and comes to the conclusion that it is not all in her head, she has seen this man before, but the questions of who he is and she's seen him remain a mystery. He is far too old for her to have interacted with him at any part of her life. 
The man is then called up to the desk for whatever it is he came for and swiftly leaves making short eye contact with Caroline. She is called next and then leaves having more questions to be unanswered. The Déjà vu she experience baffles her even more when she sees the man yet again walking on the sidewalk of the street she was driving on. She can’t recall a time ever having met him in this part of town, so she is now under the suspicion that he is following her. Déjà vu is no longer a plausible explanation, at least in her eyes, and now sleeps with all the doors locked.
She is feeling deception and is currently going crazy. The phenomenon that occurred made this lady a psychopath and therefore she is now living in a psychiatric ward to spend the rest of her days until she gets better. Her caretaker is none other than the old man with a scar on his left cheek. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16 - RAIN

Rain is something unavoidable, and it seems to happen at the times you don't want it to pour. Rain is extremely relaxing if it's the soft, almost misty precipitation that just tingles on contact with your skin. There are probably a hundred million different outcomes when water falls from the sky, one of which is the dreaded sideways rain, where not even an umbrella can save you. Hot days with the combination of heavy rainfall result in insane humidity, but sometimes it will cool you off. Heavy rain can kill; it blinds, slicks the roads, makes it hard to hear, and sometimes just hurts on contact. I believe this is the rain that nobody enjoys, unless it is enjoyed in the safety of your house. How can it be that something we need so desperately can also kill us so easily?
Rain helps the environment and helps balance the cycle that water undergoes. It fills streams and holes to provide water for animals exploring around. Without it, our necessary food crops such as corn, wheat, and potatoes could not be grown. Rain is a necessity.
I had recently gotten a metal roof installed on my house, and had high hopes that rain would come quickly, which it did not for at least a week. Metal roofs make rain sound completely different, it soothes and relaxes you to the point of sleep. However, the installation of the roof was built over the old one. That being said, it means my roof is completely insulated, I hardly hear anything at all! I can no longer look at rain the same way, it is despising. I could blame the insulated roof, but since I can do nothing about that, I blame the rain not beating down hard enough.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15 - I remember when...

I remember when the Great Ebola outbreak of 2014-2015 wiped out a portion of West Africa and many thousands of people from first-world countries began showing symptoms. Sanitization of public areas promptly began after the disease spread from Texas going outwards. People are being forced to stay indoors, and work at home if possible. The fear had embedded into many peoples' heads that going in the outside world could result in contamination. Rumors have twisted the facts of the disease and no one really knows who to trust. Coughing in public will have heads turn towards you, and everyone keeps safe distances from each other at many times. People come into contact with dozens of other people a day and the common symptoms make it hard to spot at first. It is now the fashion statement to wear stylish gloves and face masks to not only protect yourself, but look good at the same time. Who knew such a deadly thing could cause a fashion uproar? Donations of money at a philanthropic level have helped contain the disease for the long run, but the fear and confusion runs deeper.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10 - Pet Peeve

My biggest pet peeve would be driving on a two or more lane road and any cars behind me merge into the next lane just to get in front of me and then decelerate to an even slower speed than both of us were initially going. What on earth would give you the drive to do such a dastardly deed? Many people are in a hurry these days and disregard anyone else besides themselves just to cause trouble, or perhaps they don't even know what jerks they are being. Cars weaving other cars in-transit because they feel the need to go fast, and it's extremely reckless. There's nothing you can do about pet peeves though, besides complain about them.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7 - The Flip Side

"Catch you on the flip side." I said to my friend,
Interpreted literally is not what I intend.
He went of to camp for quite some time,
And we heard news of something not so sublime.
The last day of camp he went out for a drive,
Literally flips his car, that stupid old chive.
I now know to watch what I say,
Since it will literally be a lot of dismay.

It was time for tacos on this Friday night,
So I took some friends to fix our appetite.
It was a quiet night on that empty back road,
So I figured no animal was there to goad.
Little to my surprise, here comes a raccoon,
I tried to avoid him but I saw him too soon.
A jerk to the right sends my car on its back,
It flips over and everything turns black.
I look down to see that my hand is bleeding,
I have no more fingernails, the car on top of me is impeding.
I should have died, it doesn't made sense,
At least this ambulance ride will now commence.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6 - Persona Poem

It is now early in the morning,
And those footsteps I hear are my warning.
They are finally up, and now I can go inside.
The door opens and in I slide.
They pick me up and stroke my fur forever.
I'm used to it, so it is something I endeavor.
They worship me like I am God.
Because not a thing about me is flawed.
It is almost that time of day,
Where I receive my milk for being a cute Bombay.
The fridge opens and I squeak with joy.
Everyone around me gasps and turns; it is all part of my ploy.
It's the only way they give me a few drips.
And now I frivolously lick my lips.
It's good to be me.
It's time to go climb a tree.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess in a lovely kingdom. She was so lovely that everyone wanted to wed her so they could have a lovely family in their own lovely castle. Sadly, for the other men in the kingdom, the princess was only interested in people of amphibian descent. She thought that frogs, specifically, were the most lovely of creatures. The following morning, she set out for the forest to find a sweet amphibian that would suit her nicely.

Morning had arrived and she began her quest. Hours of walking later, she found herself the clearest pond in the all of the forest and thought that this would be perfect.

"Sweet frogs that reside deep in this forest, show yourself, for I have the most wonderful of propositions!" She spoke aloud.

Minutes pass by and a big frog with a golden crown pops out of the small body of water. 

"Speak, for you have awoken the Frog Prince, you lovely lady." The Frog Prince announces.

"I wish to marry the most lovely of amphibians and you seem to have awoken at the most perfect of times." The Princess replies with courage.

"You fool, I am Prince of the Frogs. My duty is to rule over all frogs one day. What on earth are you even thinking, you are a human, I am a frog, do the math." The Frog Prince hastily retorts.

The Princess slowly realizes how dumb she is and realizes how much time she has wasted walking into this forest, the humidity has ruined her hair, she has missed lunch, and a Frog has indirectly called her stupid. 

"Very well then, I realize the errors of my way and will return from whence I came. But before I go, I would like a kiss." She politely demands.

"Oh my Frog, what is wrong with you woman? Very well, I will fulfill this simple request." He agrees.

The two kiss on the lips and she apologizes for wasting his time. He enjoyed the kiss so much, that he gives her a lily pad to remember him by, his very first one from when he was just a tadpole. He jumps back into the pond to catch up on his sleep and the Princess turns back to go home. She fixes her hair, has a big lunch, and then goes to bed. They all lived happily ever after.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1 - Fairy Tale Characters

Three bad piggies is what we be,
Causing trouble, and we do it for free.
Vandalizing much of the forest for fun,
And the best about the proof is there is none!

Our houses stand tall,
And they hold everything we've stolen above all.
No one blames the pigs,
They blame the wolf for missing twigs.

The bricks for my brother's house are needed,
To the town's builder is where he pleaded.
While they were busy squawking,
I took the bricks that he was hogging.

We flourish in many riches,
Even got brand new britches.
Mostly because we like to steal,
It is fine, so long as there is not a single squeal.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29 - I'm weirded out...

As soon as I arrived, I could sense something was out of place. Was it my trophy above the cabinets? Maybe it was something in the kitchen. When walking into the kitchen, it appeared as if everything was there untouched. Something was wrong about this picture in my house, but where is that funny feeling trying to lead me to? As no one is home, I can carefully look through every detail in my house. Upon further investigation, it shows that my parents' and sister's room are completely fine. My room was last to be checked. Moving the curtain that is my door to the side reveals that my entire room has been stripped clean. There is nothing there, it is an empty twenty four by twenty square of a bedroom containing nothing. I run to the front door and lock it as quickly as possible, along with the back door. I run back in my room to disclose that all of my belongings are back as they were before I left the house earlier this afternoon. That's it, I've lost my mind. I walk into the living room, then back into my room, and everything is all gone again. I repeat the process, and again, it is all back where it was. Heavy dressers filled with my clothes, which are still in the drawers have somehow been able to disappear and reappear in my absence. If this is how things are going to be now, I will use this to my advantage when Mom tells me to clean my room.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Bad Mistake

A big bad mistake that I've made is not making school a top priority. They say to challenge yourself, taking difficult courses so it looks good on transcripts, yet who on this earth would want to do that? This weeds out the people who care and do not, and it is definitely showing come middle of this semester. Slacking on college applications and scholarships because I find other things more important is not the way to go, yet the motivation I lack and events and tasks constantly popping up makes this a cycle that has been repeated many times over. I feel I am stuck in this reoccurring loop of destruction killing any self preservation I have. This is one the biggest, easiest mistakes anyone can make. Unless you are born a star child, take the extra time and work to better yourself, or you will start to realize that you can't go back and fix your faults, you will only be able to mold what lies in front of you, and at that point it is probably too late to make something of yourself as there are thousands of people waiting in line behind you ready to crush you if you aren't as good as you think you should be.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24 - Endearing Quality

Many people have a feature about them that others around them enjoy. Sometimes that's how they make friends too, how they get by in their everyday life. For me, my signature quality is my abnormally long hair. No one expects it upon hearing stories or descriptions about me, it is the distinctive trait that makes me myself. Sure they say I'm funny and nice and a good person to talk to,  but there are plenty of people out there that have those same attributes, many people are even better at those things than I am, and more. So, the long hair I exhibit was just something that came to me at least a decade ago and I've stuck with it ever since then.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange Fruit

Long ago, decades ago, centuries ago, no; eons ago there lived the mighty creatures which we know all know of today called Dragons. Lizard-like reptilian, fire-breathing, skyscraper tall beings that ruled over everything, back in the day of course. See, there were no buildings to have to worry about being burned and destroyed, since they lived long before humanity, and during the beginnings of mankind. They are aggressive, power-hungry, and very independent. The scales on Dragons were prized possessions to have, as their value was worth more than the gold we have today. When dragons die, they shed their scales and sleep for an eternity until decomposing begins. When they are finally gone, a seedling sprouts on the surface of their resting place and grows into a beautiful plant which hosts a stunning pink fruit. They say the sweetness and the pinkness is the dragon's small sliver of goodness inside, and only emerges after death, in the rendition of a sweet fruity form. There are scales on the outside of the fruit, and on the inside bears a white filling with black seeds all around. Though it may seem the opposite of a dragon's personality, the fruit actually grows on a cactus, a prickly plant that is sure to be trouble, so the dragon makes sure some of their traits pass along. The fruit is know as Pitaya, or Dragonfruit.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17 - Alphabet Soup

An apple tree sits on top of a hill.
Beyond the hill, towards the bottom is a pear tree.
Children often come here after school to grab a snack and hang out.
Described as a place of peace is where they are.
Every day they gather around and talk and eat.
Fortunately, the fruits grow back quickly.
“Go on,” one says, “there’s plenty more where they came from.”
Hot summer days are what make the shade of the trees enjoyable.
“I can put both a pear and an apple in my mouth!” Ingrid speaks.
Justin thinks Ingrid is stupid.
Kelly sits under the apple tree to study.
Luscious fruits await the children at the end of the school day.
Most of the time, the area is occupied except during winter.
Now, it is still summer so there is nothing to worry for.
Orange trees line the other side of the hill, opposite to the pear tree.
Pears are very unsettled by the recent influx of oranges.
Quite the sight, a line of orange trees and a single apple tree at the top of the hill.
Recently, children now gather around the orange trees.
So the apple and pear tree now feel left out.
The turning into fall is upon us.
Unless someone pays attention to these two trees, they will not make it.
Voluptuous these trees are no more.
Would it seem that they have grown old and are no longer of use?
Xena observes the two trees from the orange side of the hill.
Zach, and all the other kids see the apple tree fall and roll down the hill, knocking down the pear tree and it was as if they never stood proud on the hill.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

Being a stainless-steel tool could quite possibly be the best profession in this world. For me, the spoon, life has never been easier. I'm not one of those pansy tea spoons, I'm the real deal. I'm what they call a big boy spoon. No, not a serving spoon, just a big boy spoon. You wouldn't believe the friends I've made, like my buddy shredded wheat with that silky white coat on him, or my colorful circular friends that taste like fruit. We don't get to talk for long, we usually say our goodbyes a few seconds after they hitch a ride on my dipper, I don't know what the humans do with them. I'm never lonely though, no matter how many friends I go through in a day, there will always be more. The only bad part is being put in that dreaded machine which splashes molten water all over me and the other boys. It's so dark in there always, I hate it. They imprison me at least twice a week into that torture device. Sure, they clean all the stuff off of me, but those remnants left on me are the only things I have left of the friends I've met that day. Life as a spoon isn't really so bad until you start thinking about it. You know, I've never seen any of my old friends, it's like they've moved on forever. Perhaps I scared them away being a big boy spoon and all. I don't have any other responsibilities, besides sitting in the drawer, in a bowl, or where I currently am, the dreaded machine. In here, all of the used tools come here, like a sauna. They don't mind it, but I find it cramped and the pitch-blackness makes me uneasy. I can take a few more hours of this, I have been doing it my whole life of course.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

"La Mariée", or The Bride, is a famous piece by Marc Chagall, which features a bride with a long, white, silky veil and red dress. Beside her is the well-renowned Goat Orchestra, performing at the wedding. There appears to be a squirrel underneath the cello used by the goat, perhaps holding it up or being used as the slip stop for the cello. Beside the goat is the great green beret flautist of the twentieth century, a perfect addition to any wedding. Of course, in the top right resides the fish with arms holding a lit match in one hand and  the leg of a chair in the other, he needs a good spot to see the action. To the right of him is what looks like buildings next door, all watching the wedding with open windows. Behind the bride is her father ready to pass her off. But who is the groom? Take a real hard look at reality and realize that it is in fact, you, who is the groom. All these squirrels and goats and fish are here to witness you marry La Mariée, her beauty unmatched by anyone else in your heart. The way she is looking into your eyes is true love, what are you waiting for? 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film Review

Hugo is about a boy living in Paris and has a love for clocks, he just can't stop hanging on to them. Secrets reside within his family that he must discover that take him on a wild adventure. After his father's death he learns that he kept many things hidden from Hugo such as a mechanical man. The minor characters play little part and Hugo is the main idea, he is a gifted boy after all. If you love clocks and mystery, you'll love this film.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville?

Freddie was a fairy from Mercury, and he was beginning his 44 year journey to Earth. Normally, it would take 80 years, but he's heard the news of the world and is eager to see what is on the blue and green planet. He uses a kind of magic to propel himself towards the fruitful planet and arrives in the year 2014. He brought with him his box of tricks to hide his fairy form and appear like the rest of the people.
He spends his first day at the races to get used to the entertainment here on Earth. However at night time, his magic does not work as well and his wings reappear at sunset, while the rest of him shrinks into the fairy form and his fairy mustache grows tenfold. With a mustache like this, he will surely be a sore thumb in the crowd so he spends his nights sleeping under bridges. On the second week he finds a bar named The Fairy Fellers Masterstroke, and upon entering he sees many fairies like him who have troubles just like him. The fairies greet him and they take him to the Fairy King.
"Who wants to live forever?" the Fairy King exclaims to the crowd and the fairies all begin cheering.
"Here, we have one vision," he continues. "These are the days of our lives and I grant the power to live forever. We are like men on the prowl and we too just want to live life to the fullest. I know leaving home ain't easy, but this is our home now, so enjoy." He finishes and goes in the back. Freddie will come here when he is not out during the day. He is a fairy and has no background here on Earth, he has no troubles at all except for meeting people during the day who probably
think he is a fairy, he is sure they might find out so he decides to spend the rest of his life in The Fairy Fellers Masterstroke and lives forever.
The end.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September - Aliens in Egypt

Long ago in the 18th dynasty of Egypt, there live a young king born in 1341 B.C.E., named King Tutankhamun. He only lived to age eighteen, reigning for ten years. Due to his young age, he probably had powerful advisers during the first few years of his reign. Egyptian religion is practiced by the worshiping of many gods and goddesses. What is unknown is that these deities of power descend from the stars, high above the clouds. For worshiping them, they are granted the will to live, so long as they abide by their sayings. It was foretold by the gods that during the reign of Tutankhamun, life will flourish for ten years. The gods visit dynastic Egypt during the middle of Tut's ruling and forewarn him that the age of flourishing is coming to an end quickly. The gods stand eleven feet tall and have humanoid characteristics, yet are different in almost every way, considering the fact that they come from the stars and beyond. Young, arrogant Tutankhamun ignores their warning and continues to sit at his throne. The people grow angry at his disrespect for the deities yet must follow by his rule. Years later, they will return to offer Tutankhamun their wisdom. Holding their hands out, they point them towards Tutankhamun and speak in an ancient tongue. Afterwards, they leave Earth to make for the heavens. Days later, Tutankhamun passes in his sleep, due to reasons unknown at the time. The gods that visited in the ancient times were indeed out of this world, and perhaps the Egyptians have been worshiping the alien race of their gods as means of survival. King Tutankhamun's death was a warning to the other citizens to never defy the deities.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Accuracy

The Great Depression, a major event occurring on the twenty-fourth of October, 1929 where the stock market crashes. It was foreseen, yet it was already too late when it happened. Uncertainty and mass confusion takes place, and by the next year, a 3.2 percent unemployment rate eventually gets its way to 8.7 percent, and only getting worse as the days go by. By 1932, the unemployment rate rises to 23.6 percent and taxes are only getting more expensive. The rich are getting richer and the poor and getting poorer. What a great opportunity to take advantage of Americans by demanding physical labor at unfair hours with unfair working environments. Steel beams thousands of feet in the air, was all most of these workers had to stand on during the construction of the Empire state building in New York. Little of what we know is that extraterrestrial lifeforms visited the construction of the building during the Great Depression to help these workers complete their task.
The human workers explained their trouble, having no work left so they must be up here risking their lives to build for the rich people being paid poor wages. While the wealthy sit at their desks counting their money, checking what is left of their stocks, they depend on the less fortunate to do everything else for them. The martians saw this unfair, yet couldn't do anything or it would attract attention of the general public. No one paid attention to the workers anyhow, so the martians used their super alien strength to help alleviate the labor of the workers. They had the strength of ten men put together, so moving beams and structures were no problem. The martians explained that they would not be here if the human race banded together and helped one another, that is why their species is so advanced. Cooperation is key. They explained of a time where greed and hate filled the hearts of many, leaving the rest behind. Something they would only tell these workers, as no one else would listen, all the rich care about is money. It was almost better to be unemployed than to be workers for greedy corporations, from a moral standpoint, yet with the current situation there was nothing they could do, and with the great second World War coming up, nothing can be said or done about hate-filled hearts, they'll be making even more money making supplies while the voices of the citizens are overwhelmed by cries of war.
The martians let them know of future events, since they are indeed time travelers. Why tell those workers of the Empire state building though? Their voices are never heard anyways, who will believe them? This was the main idea, business before anything else. The aliens got their point across, telling them would make no difference since their are the lowest of humans, yet they are depended on by everybody.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

    In an attempt to log the depths of the oceans which we are so unfamiliar with, a group of researchers delve into the deep Pacific ocean in their submarine, just a few miles off the coast of Peru. They use their sonar technology to relay a message to the ocean floor and shoot back to the submarine, which is displayed visually on the radar, showing anything in between the sub and the floor making their research easier.
    A storm brews not far from them and it looks unpromising. They get as work work done on the surface of the water and submerge deep into the water when the storm draws near. A storm like this is unlike any they've seen before, nasty looking and quick lightning strikes each second. A boat would be destroyed in moments in this storm, being pulled in the maelstrom and gone in a blink of an eye. Luckily, they are safe underwater, but their equipment is unresponsive.
    Hours pass and it is safe to surface again. The radar is still offline and they have no idea where to even begin. Upon reaching the surface they are greeted with nothing but water and no sense of direction. Being in the southern hemisphere, looking for the North star is not possible so they must survey the sky for something else to help out. Unable to locate a single recognizable asterism or constellation, they are truly doomed. Soon, with further observation, one researcher points out that there are two moons in the sky. With the equipment offline and no knowledge of this sky, they are truly doomed. The only thing they can do is set off in one direction and hope they find land, or hope they find Earth again.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28 - Space, 2199

The year is 2199 and the galactic empire has colonized the outskirts of the Milky Way. Business is booming in heavens we call space and technology is better than ever. Nora, a scientist who is skilled in deep-space astronomy observes a bone-chilling discovery. No longer should we need to worry about planets being consumed and dirtied by human greed, we have plenty of other artificially terra-formed planets to live on. However, she sees something off towards Polaris, the north star, about one light year from the star absorbing everything in it's path. Unidentifiable due to it's gigantic size, she believes it is a celestial being, and it's biochemistry is definitely a non-carbon based life form. This wouldn't be a problem normally, but it is eating everything. Nora knows that she must alert the public to forewarn everyone of their inevitable death. Upon making headlines of the Galactic News, everyone is aware of their future. Due to bio-engineering, humans lifespans are four times as long as they were one hundred years before. This celestial being will make it to the heart of human activity in the galaxy in just maybe two hundred and fifty years. However, like all controversial topics, there is an opposing side to this. Hank the tank, everyone's favorite rapper voices his opinion saying Nora's research is nothing but trouble, nothing but words to scare the human race. Like most people who listen to rapper's words like they are a god, they believed him. He tells his followers to stop funding the scientific effort to save everyone, and to buy his new album instead. So they do just that and Hank becomes rich enough to buy the rest of the people who have not sided with him. With the human race in another dark age, there is nothing to do. Greed has consumed all and the galaxy will soon be another meal in the space-travelling body's stomach.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - Animal Invention

Today is the day we biologically engineer dogs to do our bidding. Not necessarily performing a surgery on them, but perhaps we can add accessories to aid them. One such in mind is a robotic set of arms mounted on their back, or shoulders. Imagine your dog being able to climb trees. We will increase the intelligence of dogs by applying them to do new things they couldn't do previously. Perhaps a set of small jet engines to propel them to the deepest parts of space. Eventually there will be a dog sanctuary dedicated to letting them live in peace while experimenting with this new equipment on their own. It is a scientific breakthrough! Animal activists will shudder in fear at the new age dog.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

There isn't a day that goes by that I wish I was in the audience of an Iron Maiden concert. Most likely one of the greatest and most influential heavy metal bands of all time starting in 1975, they have almost been around for forty years! Iron Maiden is made up of six members, two rhythm guitarists, one lead, and unbelievable bassist and phenomenal drummer, and one recognizable lead vocalist who pierces the heavens with his talent. This is the definition of a pure performance. With 15 studio albums and an uncountable plethora of live performances and tours, I  believe that they are an influence to hundreds of bands and millions of people. The lead vocalist Bruce even became a pilot to go on tour with his plane taking his family and band member's families all around the world to play music for their fans. Many of their songs are based on old literature or history, such as "Genghis Khan", a hardcore, fast-paced instrumental, and "Lord of the Flies" based on the novel. Their live performances are to die for as the fans are involved in the music too, singing along to the choruses or singing the harmonies, including songs such as, "Run to the Hills", "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", "Out of the Silent Planet", "Powerslave", "The Clansmen", "Running Free", and many, many, many more. There's not a time where the crowd is not singing along and that's why I think they are the best heavy metal band/performance, the fans are involved.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25 - Literary Character

If there were a fictional character or characters that should come to life, it should be the hobbits from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien. Getting into trouble would be their main cause as they are short, nimble and can hide very easily. Where they would live is a mystery, since their abodes are usually in the sides of hills and are very big for their size. They throw huge parties for any hobbit's birthday so being friends with one will be a main priority as there's a surplus of food and drink.
They are the perfect party people, so who wouldn't want them to be real? Few have stories to tell and they can keep to themselves if need be as well, as they have for hundreds of years in their home of the Shire.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22 - Wacky Words

Tupperware is quite the invention. A plastic container with a lid, they come in all sorts of sizes. Tupperware is in fact the perfect tool to store your hot sauces. Hot sauce already comes in a bottle, so why put it in a Tupperware container? As a hot sauce enthusiast I simply must collect the most hot sauce in all of the land. Where I store it is in the kitchen, underneath the hidden tile revealing a staircase to a faux-basement, or cellar if you will, where I keep my Tupperware and hot sauce. Sometimes the hot sauce is in the Tupperware, and sometimes my Tupperware is in the hot sauce. Not a day goes by where I find a new hot sauce bottle or Tupperware container. Without these essentials, I am nothing. My hot sauce is the fire in my heart and the Tupperware is my body, holding everything together. I am indeed the physical form of Tupperware and the geyser to all hot sauces. I am the creator, everything lives under my rule of hot sauce, and everything is contained inside my Tupperware. The galaxies can be compared to Tupperware and everything inside them is hot sauce. Everything you know and understand is Tupperware and hot sauce. Engulfed in Tupperware and hot sauce is in the very near future. At this very moment, everyone you know is now Tuppersauce.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21 - Mystery Lady

O weird looking mystery lady,
So mysterious, you must be from Haiti.
Your big green hat in the shape of a sailboat,
Seems to be the only thing keeping you afloat.

The way your ear is placed next to your eye,
Perhaps it means you've come from Versailles.
The small black kitten on your chair,
Resembles the color of your creepy hair.

Your nose reminds me of a place,
of the origins of the Mongolian race.
Your inverted arm has many a story to tell,
There must be something wrong with each bone cell.

Your features, though they seem scary,
Could phase even the most unwary.
However, let no one bring you down,
One day, you will attract the most wonderful of clown.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20 - Alter Ego

Shrek, the resident of the local swamp finds happiness by being left alone. Shrek harms no one except for those that deserve it. During his days, he does what he can to live in peace by doing what is necessary, such as his chores. During the nights, everyone assumes he is resting but they couldn't have been more wrong. When the sun falls and the stars emerge, Shrek embarks on his nightly routine, starting through the forest into town. By day, he is Shrek, big green ogre whom everyone despises for being a big green ogre. By night, he is Dreck, a big green ogre whom everyone loves for his inspirational actions and words.
"We are all like onions, peel away the outer skin to reveal your true being." Dreck pronounces in the town square. No one is aware of his real ego, Shrek. This deeply saddens him as the words he spoke that night were to encourage the townspeople to have an open mind to everybody, no matter how green they are. Shrek is Dreck on most nights to teach a moral lesson, yet nobody listens. This is why he is the large, green, misunderstood ogre that we all know of. Perhaps there is a big green ogre inside all of us.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

    They speak of an old church from the late 1800s a few miles off of the highway. What exactly is said is unknown for no one has ventured back to tell the story. This church mostly attracts high school students and graduates, because what else will they do with their free time? Parked, worn down cars line the parking lot, about a half mile from this spooky structure, as if they haven't been used in years.
   A group of three teenagers decide to spend their Saturday night here, grave digging, exploring, or whatever else their little hearts desire. Upon arriving, they are greeted by the massive amount of cars which almost all have been broken into or vandalized. They've heard stories of the people who never return, which of course means they want to go inside and peek around the property.
    They begin walking towards the church after they grab their flashlights and shovels. A foggy mist shrouds them and they start to feel a little scared. The fog deepens the farther they go, but they can see the outline of the building a few feet away, and to the left is the cemetery. Pulling their spades out of their backpack, they go to the tombstones and begin spelunking for quite some time, after finding a great big memorial in the center of the area.
    The misty fog begins to dissipate and a foul stench surrounds the group. Frequently checking their surroundings, they find not a thing. The hole which they have been working on for so many hours is almost complete. Taking a quick break, they take a look into the hole and a figure shoots out, up onto the surface. It is a spooky skeleton and he looks vicious. "I will rend you from your fleshy bodies to expose a great secret." he says. He slices them and reveals that they too, have spooky skeletons inside them. This was the reason no one returns, for under the great big memorial is Skeleton City, the scariest, most spookiest place on this planet Earth.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15 - Kindergarten

    I was so tired that morning, much like every morning, but this one was different. It was morning of my first day of kindergarten. There's not much that I remember in the days when I was a wee lad, but this day was different. It was the first time I left home for a few hours. The school was so close to my house, why did I have to leave for just a few short hours a day, why couldn't I stay home? That's what I would have thought at the time if I could think for myself then. Like most young children, all information is fed to you, the only time you have for thinking is during playtime with your imagination.
   It was scary at first, the homeroom was huge, you could smell the school pizza that was being made for lunch which I recall smelled quite differently from regular pizza, and I knew nobody. I just wanted to go home, until recess, which was the conclusion of each and every day of kindergarten. Recess was what I looked forwards to from kindergarten to eighth grade, I made sure to establish that much throughout school.
    So many posters of the alphabet or first ten digits across the room, cardboard cut outs and construction paper everywhere, it was extremely overwhelming. My short attention span quickly made the room boring and such a bore to be in that I spent most of my time daydreaming. What I daydreamed about can't be brought up to mind; it is lost in the cesspool of other children's thoughts and imaginations. This is what makes kindergarten unique, we all have different perspectives as little tykes and your classmates are learning the same material as you, but how you interact with what you learn, incorporating your imagination is what this an unforgettable time.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14 - Gross

    Imagine yourself on a beach, pouring suntan lotion on your body and getting ready for a nice warm day of soaking up the sun. You could describe the same thing almost similarly about the hearty Asian cuisine of live octopus. Sannakji is the term for live dish, or eating the freshest thing on the planet, an almost alive octopus. After cutting the tentacles of the creature off, it is served immediately to preserve and ensure that it is extremely fresh, or you can eat it without cutting it up. It's going to move around or twitch on your plate and in your mouth either way. The regular consumers of Sannakji enjoy the feeling of the octopus moving around in their mouth, as it has a rather bland taste, so seasoning is encouraged.
   The creature is usually dead, however, when coming in contact with salt when you pour your soy sauce over it, the limbs that were once dead start moving again as the nerves and muscles become active. Seasoning and adding taste to the octopus is much different from sprinkling crushed red peppers onto your pizza, as the pizza will not "come back to life".
    If you enjoy your food still moving, disregard the pizza because Sannakji is definitely for you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13 - Animal

    There are many animals and creatures in this world that all have a purpose to fulfill, whether it be caring for their young or just trying to survive for themselves. We too have goals that we thrive to accomplish to give a more complete life experience. There is one animal however, that must learn his purpose through hard work and determination. Oscar the snake has established he wants to be an A-list celebrity and professional dancer. Although, due to his small size, lack of legs and a non-existent vocabulary, Oscar believes he cannot accomplish these deeds.
    Oscar lies in a field, half-awake, after having a big ol' mouse for dinner the previous night. Upon opening his sweet little eyes, he is dazed when he discovers that the power of the English language had been embedded in his tiny snake brain. He ponders for moments when he realizes the mouse he ate was a radioactive laboratory mouse that has the intelligence of a middle school student. As more moments pass he makes out the words, "holly" and "wood" and sets out west to test to newly found knowledge.
    During the trip west, Oscar feels a little sick below the stomach. He looks down his snaky body to reveal two little stubs where legs would be. He believes to grow a full set of legs by the next morning, thanks to the radioactivity of the nourishing mouse. Recalling the geography class the mouse took, he quickly realizes he is in the Mojave desert of Nevada and understands he must camp for the night. The mouse, still somehow digesting in his body, gives him just enough energy to find a nice spot to sleep.
    After waking in the morning as the desert is heating up, he looks down to reveal long, green legs, still just as slithery as the rest of him except Oscar is now a bipedal being of reptilian descent. Quite the sight this would be, he is afraid that Hollywood wants nothing to do with him. He decides there is no turning back and now walks closer and closer to his destiny. Along the border of Nevada, he feels something in his legs, like they have a mind of their own. The mouse he digested was a ballet dancer of the gods and Oscar now harnesses the power within. He deduces that a ballet snake is just what Hollywood needs so he goes now to finish his quest.
    Arriving in the metro area of California, Oscar is greeted with ugly stares and scary, unfamiliar faces. He sees the movie interviewing building across the street and dances away to it. As he crosses the street whilst dancing in the most beautiful of fashions, a driver is blinded by the alluring ballet moves he is executing and Oscar is hit head on, crippling his new legs and barely alive. The culprit drives on as if nothing happened, and Oscar questions his existence. "I was so close," he thinks, "and here I am dying in the middle of the street, doing what I loved to do." With his dying breath he realizes he is nothing but a radiated snake with a dream that was almost concluded and that was good enough for him.
Facts about other snakes like Oscar.