Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September - Aliens in Egypt

Long ago in the 18th dynasty of Egypt, there live a young king born in 1341 B.C.E., named King Tutankhamun. He only lived to age eighteen, reigning for ten years. Due to his young age, he probably had powerful advisers during the first few years of his reign. Egyptian religion is practiced by the worshiping of many gods and goddesses. What is unknown is that these deities of power descend from the stars, high above the clouds. For worshiping them, they are granted the will to live, so long as they abide by their sayings. It was foretold by the gods that during the reign of Tutankhamun, life will flourish for ten years. The gods visit dynastic Egypt during the middle of Tut's ruling and forewarn him that the age of flourishing is coming to an end quickly. The gods stand eleven feet tall and have humanoid characteristics, yet are different in almost every way, considering the fact that they come from the stars and beyond. Young, arrogant Tutankhamun ignores their warning and continues to sit at his throne. The people grow angry at his disrespect for the deities yet must follow by his rule. Years later, they will return to offer Tutankhamun their wisdom. Holding their hands out, they point them towards Tutankhamun and speak in an ancient tongue. Afterwards, they leave Earth to make for the heavens. Days later, Tutankhamun passes in his sleep, due to reasons unknown at the time. The gods that visited in the ancient times were indeed out of this world, and perhaps the Egyptians have been worshiping the alien race of their gods as means of survival. King Tutankhamun's death was a warning to the other citizens to never defy the deities.

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