Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange Fruit

Long ago, decades ago, centuries ago, no; eons ago there lived the mighty creatures which we know all know of today called Dragons. Lizard-like reptilian, fire-breathing, skyscraper tall beings that ruled over everything, back in the day of course. See, there were no buildings to have to worry about being burned and destroyed, since they lived long before humanity, and during the beginnings of mankind. They are aggressive, power-hungry, and very independent. The scales on Dragons were prized possessions to have, as their value was worth more than the gold we have today. When dragons die, they shed their scales and sleep for an eternity until decomposing begins. When they are finally gone, a seedling sprouts on the surface of their resting place and grows into a beautiful plant which hosts a stunning pink fruit. They say the sweetness and the pinkness is the dragon's small sliver of goodness inside, and only emerges after death, in the rendition of a sweet fruity form. There are scales on the outside of the fruit, and on the inside bears a white filling with black seeds all around. Though it may seem the opposite of a dragon's personality, the fruit actually grows on a cactus, a prickly plant that is sure to be trouble, so the dragon makes sure some of their traits pass along. The fruit is know as Pitaya, or Dragonfruit.


  1. Your description of dragons was pretty cool, (probably because it sounded like Skyrim), but you seemed to concentrate way more on those dudes than the actual fruit. You explained how the fruit comes into being, not how it actually tastes and such, besides saying it is just sweet. But I would be willing to guess that since it is from a dragon, it would taste hot and spicy. Maybe that's just me.

  2. I like how you described the history of the fruits making. I think that if you used a little more descriptive words to describe the fruit, that this would be more then great.
