Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Bad Mistake

A big bad mistake that I've made is not making school a top priority. They say to challenge yourself, taking difficult courses so it looks good on transcripts, yet who on this earth would want to do that? This weeds out the people who care and do not, and it is definitely showing come middle of this semester. Slacking on college applications and scholarships because I find other things more important is not the way to go, yet the motivation I lack and events and tasks constantly popping up makes this a cycle that has been repeated many times over. I feel I am stuck in this reoccurring loop of destruction killing any self preservation I have. This is one the biggest, easiest mistakes anyone can make. Unless you are born a star child, take the extra time and work to better yourself, or you will start to realize that you can't go back and fix your faults, you will only be able to mold what lies in front of you, and at that point it is probably too late to make something of yourself as there are thousands of people waiting in line behind you ready to crush you if you aren't as good as you think you should be.

1 comment:

  1. Very wise moral, and a very good explanation to it as well. Your writing is smooth and easy to read which makes it very enjoyable and understandable to read. When talking about someone's future it is important to be clear so great job.
