Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10 - Pet Peeve

My biggest pet peeve would be driving on a two or more lane road and any cars behind me merge into the next lane just to get in front of me and then decelerate to an even slower speed than both of us were initially going. What on earth would give you the drive to do such a dastardly deed? Many people are in a hurry these days and disregard anyone else besides themselves just to cause trouble, or perhaps they don't even know what jerks they are being. Cars weaving other cars in-transit because they feel the need to go fast, and it's extremely reckless. There's nothing you can do about pet peeves though, besides complain about them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh lord do I feel you sister. I too hate when people pass me just to go slower. You also have a great sense of flow with your writing!
