Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28 - LeBron's Day Out

LeBron James figured it was in his best interest to celebrate at the award winning Cheesecake Factory, for some award winning cheesecake, after winning his outstanding award at the NCAA Championships. He arrives in his stretch limousine, except his gas light has been on for the past ten miles; he will surely be stuck here for good. He orders the Slammin' Jammin' Cheesecake, as the final score to win the championships was an award winning slam dunk from the master himself. In his small satchel, he holds hundreds of packs of signature Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, to hand out to everyone, since he feels generous after such a long night. It is going to be a good night.

Upon devouring three Slammin' Jammin' Cheesecakes whole, LeBron believes it is time to go home to his wife and continue the celebration. Walking up to his limousine, he remembers there is not much gas left and will have to try hard to make it to a gas station. Turning the keys, the car lets out a loud burp and shuts off. He used the rest of the gas to start it up; there's nothing left to get him anywhere. He ponders for a moment and realizes a portion of the money he has accumulated has gone into research and development of  Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, and has more uses to it than chewing. Long ago, before Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum was discontinued, and the study of Ethanol being used for car fuel began to surface, the LeBron James Institute secretly began conducting experiments to synthesize Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum to be used as car fuel. This is the very reason Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum was discontinued, it was to be a secret source of easily  manufactured fuel for a certain group of LeBron's associates and close friends.

"No! I've given away all of my signature named Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, and have no source of fuel for my signature Stretchin' LeBron James Limousine!" LeBron James cries aloud. "My generosity has led me nowhere and my only source of fuel is in the mouths of those who I now hate most."

Luckily, the LeBron James Institute has planted tracking devices in each piece of Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum. LeBron James pulls out his cell phone and calls his most trusted scientists to track down everyone whom he handed Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum out to, so he may then reclaim what was once his and drive home to his beloved wife.

Hours pass by and it is quite late in the night. A helicopter flies overhead and drops a care package next to the limousine. Opening the package reveals packs and packs of Lightning Lemonade LeBron James bubble gum, all of which have been in LeBron's hands earlier that night. Chewed gum also resides in the package, some covered in blood, for those who put up a fight.

"Thank you strangers," He speaks to himself. "Without your courage and valor, I would never make it home to celebrate my achievements with my beloved wife."

He slides the gum into the fuel tank and drives home with ease, smelling like a giant dank lemon while doing it.

The End

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