Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23 - That's punny!

On the boat that John and Sam were arguing at, things started to get heated.

"Seariously Sam, water you doing?"

"Well, you sea John, I couldn't reely tell you, I don't even know."

"Everything you've been herring about this treasure in the ocean is all fake."

"I've at least got to find some porpoise in my life, it's got to be here."

"I completely trout you'll ever find it Sam, you're krilling our entire weekend by wasting time on this."

"Whale, just give me a few more minutes, I've just been trying to find it bassed on this poorly drawn map."

"Okay, I will give you one last oppor-tuna-ty to look for it."

And so they went on like this and did not find the treasure.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. sweet puns bro, had me laughing too hard though, so maybe tone it down next time, I work out I need your help to get abs are you trying to say that I'm out of shape
