Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess in a lovely kingdom. She was so lovely that everyone wanted to wed her so they could have a lovely family in their own lovely castle. Sadly, for the other men in the kingdom, the princess was only interested in people of amphibian descent. She thought that frogs, specifically, were the most lovely of creatures. The following morning, she set out for the forest to find a sweet amphibian that would suit her nicely.

Morning had arrived and she began her quest. Hours of walking later, she found herself the clearest pond in the all of the forest and thought that this would be perfect.

"Sweet frogs that reside deep in this forest, show yourself, for I have the most wonderful of propositions!" She spoke aloud.

Minutes pass by and a big frog with a golden crown pops out of the small body of water. 

"Speak, for you have awoken the Frog Prince, you lovely lady." The Frog Prince announces.

"I wish to marry the most lovely of amphibians and you seem to have awoken at the most perfect of times." The Princess replies with courage.

"You fool, I am Prince of the Frogs. My duty is to rule over all frogs one day. What on earth are you even thinking, you are a human, I am a frog, do the math." The Frog Prince hastily retorts.

The Princess slowly realizes how dumb she is and realizes how much time she has wasted walking into this forest, the humidity has ruined her hair, she has missed lunch, and a Frog has indirectly called her stupid. 

"Very well then, I realize the errors of my way and will return from whence I came. But before I go, I would like a kiss." She politely demands.

"Oh my Frog, what is wrong with you woman? Very well, I will fulfill this simple request." He agrees.

The two kiss on the lips and she apologizes for wasting his time. He enjoyed the kiss so much, that he gives her a lily pad to remember him by, his very first one from when he was just a tadpole. He jumps back into the pond to catch up on his sleep and the Princess turns back to go home. She fixes her hair, has a big lunch, and then goes to bed. They all lived happily ever after.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I liked how the frog rejected the princess. XD This was really good, but if I hadn't known the prompt, I would have never been able to guess what fairy tale this was fracturing.
