Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28 - Space, 2199

The year is 2199 and the galactic empire has colonized the outskirts of the Milky Way. Business is booming in heavens we call space and technology is better than ever. Nora, a scientist who is skilled in deep-space astronomy observes a bone-chilling discovery. No longer should we need to worry about planets being consumed and dirtied by human greed, we have plenty of other artificially terra-formed planets to live on. However, she sees something off towards Polaris, the north star, about one light year from the star absorbing everything in it's path. Unidentifiable due to it's gigantic size, she believes it is a celestial being, and it's biochemistry is definitely a non-carbon based life form. This wouldn't be a problem normally, but it is eating everything. Nora knows that she must alert the public to forewarn everyone of their inevitable death. Upon making headlines of the Galactic News, everyone is aware of their future. Due to bio-engineering, humans lifespans are four times as long as they were one hundred years before. This celestial being will make it to the heart of human activity in the galaxy in just maybe two hundred and fifty years. However, like all controversial topics, there is an opposing side to this. Hank the tank, everyone's favorite rapper voices his opinion saying Nora's research is nothing but trouble, nothing but words to scare the human race. Like most people who listen to rapper's words like they are a god, they believed him. He tells his followers to stop funding the scientific effort to save everyone, and to buy his new album instead. So they do just that and Hank becomes rich enough to buy the rest of the people who have not sided with him. With the human race in another dark age, there is nothing to do. Greed has consumed all and the galaxy will soon be another meal in the space-travelling body's stomach.

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