Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29 - I'm weirded out...

As soon as I arrived, I could sense something was out of place. Was it my trophy above the cabinets? Maybe it was something in the kitchen. When walking into the kitchen, it appeared as if everything was there untouched. Something was wrong about this picture in my house, but where is that funny feeling trying to lead me to? As no one is home, I can carefully look through every detail in my house. Upon further investigation, it shows that my parents' and sister's room are completely fine. My room was last to be checked. Moving the curtain that is my door to the side reveals that my entire room has been stripped clean. There is nothing there, it is an empty twenty four by twenty square of a bedroom containing nothing. I run to the front door and lock it as quickly as possible, along with the back door. I run back in my room to disclose that all of my belongings are back as they were before I left the house earlier this afternoon. That's it, I've lost my mind. I walk into the living room, then back into my room, and everything is all gone again. I repeat the process, and again, it is all back where it was. Heavy dressers filled with my clothes, which are still in the drawers have somehow been able to disappear and reappear in my absence. If this is how things are going to be now, I will use this to my advantage when Mom tells me to clean my room.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Bad Mistake

A big bad mistake that I've made is not making school a top priority. They say to challenge yourself, taking difficult courses so it looks good on transcripts, yet who on this earth would want to do that? This weeds out the people who care and do not, and it is definitely showing come middle of this semester. Slacking on college applications and scholarships because I find other things more important is not the way to go, yet the motivation I lack and events and tasks constantly popping up makes this a cycle that has been repeated many times over. I feel I am stuck in this reoccurring loop of destruction killing any self preservation I have. This is one the biggest, easiest mistakes anyone can make. Unless you are born a star child, take the extra time and work to better yourself, or you will start to realize that you can't go back and fix your faults, you will only be able to mold what lies in front of you, and at that point it is probably too late to make something of yourself as there are thousands of people waiting in line behind you ready to crush you if you aren't as good as you think you should be.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24 - Endearing Quality

Many people have a feature about them that others around them enjoy. Sometimes that's how they make friends too, how they get by in their everyday life. For me, my signature quality is my abnormally long hair. No one expects it upon hearing stories or descriptions about me, it is the distinctive trait that makes me myself. Sure they say I'm funny and nice and a good person to talk to,  but there are plenty of people out there that have those same attributes, many people are even better at those things than I am, and more. So, the long hair I exhibit was just something that came to me at least a decade ago and I've stuck with it ever since then.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange Fruit

Long ago, decades ago, centuries ago, no; eons ago there lived the mighty creatures which we know all know of today called Dragons. Lizard-like reptilian, fire-breathing, skyscraper tall beings that ruled over everything, back in the day of course. See, there were no buildings to have to worry about being burned and destroyed, since they lived long before humanity, and during the beginnings of mankind. They are aggressive, power-hungry, and very independent. The scales on Dragons were prized possessions to have, as their value was worth more than the gold we have today. When dragons die, they shed their scales and sleep for an eternity until decomposing begins. When they are finally gone, a seedling sprouts on the surface of their resting place and grows into a beautiful plant which hosts a stunning pink fruit. They say the sweetness and the pinkness is the dragon's small sliver of goodness inside, and only emerges after death, in the rendition of a sweet fruity form. There are scales on the outside of the fruit, and on the inside bears a white filling with black seeds all around. Though it may seem the opposite of a dragon's personality, the fruit actually grows on a cactus, a prickly plant that is sure to be trouble, so the dragon makes sure some of their traits pass along. The fruit is know as Pitaya, or Dragonfruit.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17 - Alphabet Soup

An apple tree sits on top of a hill.
Beyond the hill, towards the bottom is a pear tree.
Children often come here after school to grab a snack and hang out.
Described as a place of peace is where they are.
Every day they gather around and talk and eat.
Fortunately, the fruits grow back quickly.
“Go on,” one says, “there’s plenty more where they came from.”
Hot summer days are what make the shade of the trees enjoyable.
“I can put both a pear and an apple in my mouth!” Ingrid speaks.
Justin thinks Ingrid is stupid.
Kelly sits under the apple tree to study.
Luscious fruits await the children at the end of the school day.
Most of the time, the area is occupied except during winter.
Now, it is still summer so there is nothing to worry for.
Orange trees line the other side of the hill, opposite to the pear tree.
Pears are very unsettled by the recent influx of oranges.
Quite the sight, a line of orange trees and a single apple tree at the top of the hill.
Recently, children now gather around the orange trees.
So the apple and pear tree now feel left out.
The turning into fall is upon us.
Unless someone pays attention to these two trees, they will not make it.
Voluptuous these trees are no more.
Would it seem that they have grown old and are no longer of use?
Xena observes the two trees from the orange side of the hill.
Zach, and all the other kids see the apple tree fall and roll down the hill, knocking down the pear tree and it was as if they never stood proud on the hill.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

Being a stainless-steel tool could quite possibly be the best profession in this world. For me, the spoon, life has never been easier. I'm not one of those pansy tea spoons, I'm the real deal. I'm what they call a big boy spoon. No, not a serving spoon, just a big boy spoon. You wouldn't believe the friends I've made, like my buddy shredded wheat with that silky white coat on him, or my colorful circular friends that taste like fruit. We don't get to talk for long, we usually say our goodbyes a few seconds after they hitch a ride on my dipper, I don't know what the humans do with them. I'm never lonely though, no matter how many friends I go through in a day, there will always be more. The only bad part is being put in that dreaded machine which splashes molten water all over me and the other boys. It's so dark in there always, I hate it. They imprison me at least twice a week into that torture device. Sure, they clean all the stuff off of me, but those remnants left on me are the only things I have left of the friends I've met that day. Life as a spoon isn't really so bad until you start thinking about it. You know, I've never seen any of my old friends, it's like they've moved on forever. Perhaps I scared them away being a big boy spoon and all. I don't have any other responsibilities, besides sitting in the drawer, in a bowl, or where I currently am, the dreaded machine. In here, all of the used tools come here, like a sauna. They don't mind it, but I find it cramped and the pitch-blackness makes me uneasy. I can take a few more hours of this, I have been doing it my whole life of course.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

"La Mariée", or The Bride, is a famous piece by Marc Chagall, which features a bride with a long, white, silky veil and red dress. Beside her is the well-renowned Goat Orchestra, performing at the wedding. There appears to be a squirrel underneath the cello used by the goat, perhaps holding it up or being used as the slip stop for the cello. Beside the goat is the great green beret flautist of the twentieth century, a perfect addition to any wedding. Of course, in the top right resides the fish with arms holding a lit match in one hand and  the leg of a chair in the other, he needs a good spot to see the action. To the right of him is what looks like buildings next door, all watching the wedding with open windows. Behind the bride is her father ready to pass her off. But who is the groom? Take a real hard look at reality and realize that it is in fact, you, who is the groom. All these squirrels and goats and fish are here to witness you marry La Mariée, her beauty unmatched by anyone else in your heart. The way she is looking into your eyes is true love, what are you waiting for? 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film Review

Hugo is about a boy living in Paris and has a love for clocks, he just can't stop hanging on to them. Secrets reside within his family that he must discover that take him on a wild adventure. After his father's death he learns that he kept many things hidden from Hugo such as a mechanical man. The minor characters play little part and Hugo is the main idea, he is a gifted boy after all. If you love clocks and mystery, you'll love this film.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville?

Freddie was a fairy from Mercury, and he was beginning his 44 year journey to Earth. Normally, it would take 80 years, but he's heard the news of the world and is eager to see what is on the blue and green planet. He uses a kind of magic to propel himself towards the fruitful planet and arrives in the year 2014. He brought with him his box of tricks to hide his fairy form and appear like the rest of the people.
He spends his first day at the races to get used to the entertainment here on Earth. However at night time, his magic does not work as well and his wings reappear at sunset, while the rest of him shrinks into the fairy form and his fairy mustache grows tenfold. With a mustache like this, he will surely be a sore thumb in the crowd so he spends his nights sleeping under bridges. On the second week he finds a bar named The Fairy Fellers Masterstroke, and upon entering he sees many fairies like him who have troubles just like him. The fairies greet him and they take him to the Fairy King.
"Who wants to live forever?" the Fairy King exclaims to the crowd and the fairies all begin cheering.
"Here, we have one vision," he continues. "These are the days of our lives and I grant the power to live forever. We are like men on the prowl and we too just want to live life to the fullest. I know leaving home ain't easy, but this is our home now, so enjoy." He finishes and goes in the back. Freddie will come here when he is not out during the day. He is a fairy and has no background here on Earth, he has no troubles at all except for meeting people during the day who probably
think he is a fairy, he is sure they might find out so he decides to spend the rest of his life in The Fairy Fellers Masterstroke and lives forever.
The end.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September - Aliens in Egypt

Long ago in the 18th dynasty of Egypt, there live a young king born in 1341 B.C.E., named King Tutankhamun. He only lived to age eighteen, reigning for ten years. Due to his young age, he probably had powerful advisers during the first few years of his reign. Egyptian religion is practiced by the worshiping of many gods and goddesses. What is unknown is that these deities of power descend from the stars, high above the clouds. For worshiping them, they are granted the will to live, so long as they abide by their sayings. It was foretold by the gods that during the reign of Tutankhamun, life will flourish for ten years. The gods visit dynastic Egypt during the middle of Tut's ruling and forewarn him that the age of flourishing is coming to an end quickly. The gods stand eleven feet tall and have humanoid characteristics, yet are different in almost every way, considering the fact that they come from the stars and beyond. Young, arrogant Tutankhamun ignores their warning and continues to sit at his throne. The people grow angry at his disrespect for the deities yet must follow by his rule. Years later, they will return to offer Tutankhamun their wisdom. Holding their hands out, they point them towards Tutankhamun and speak in an ancient tongue. Afterwards, they leave Earth to make for the heavens. Days later, Tutankhamun passes in his sleep, due to reasons unknown at the time. The gods that visited in the ancient times were indeed out of this world, and perhaps the Egyptians have been worshiping the alien race of their gods as means of survival. King Tutankhamun's death was a warning to the other citizens to never defy the deities.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Accuracy

The Great Depression, a major event occurring on the twenty-fourth of October, 1929 where the stock market crashes. It was foreseen, yet it was already too late when it happened. Uncertainty and mass confusion takes place, and by the next year, a 3.2 percent unemployment rate eventually gets its way to 8.7 percent, and only getting worse as the days go by. By 1932, the unemployment rate rises to 23.6 percent and taxes are only getting more expensive. The rich are getting richer and the poor and getting poorer. What a great opportunity to take advantage of Americans by demanding physical labor at unfair hours with unfair working environments. Steel beams thousands of feet in the air, was all most of these workers had to stand on during the construction of the Empire state building in New York. Little of what we know is that extraterrestrial lifeforms visited the construction of the building during the Great Depression to help these workers complete their task.
The human workers explained their trouble, having no work left so they must be up here risking their lives to build for the rich people being paid poor wages. While the wealthy sit at their desks counting their money, checking what is left of their stocks, they depend on the less fortunate to do everything else for them. The martians saw this unfair, yet couldn't do anything or it would attract attention of the general public. No one paid attention to the workers anyhow, so the martians used their super alien strength to help alleviate the labor of the workers. They had the strength of ten men put together, so moving beams and structures were no problem. The martians explained that they would not be here if the human race banded together and helped one another, that is why their species is so advanced. Cooperation is key. They explained of a time where greed and hate filled the hearts of many, leaving the rest behind. Something they would only tell these workers, as no one else would listen, all the rich care about is money. It was almost better to be unemployed than to be workers for greedy corporations, from a moral standpoint, yet with the current situation there was nothing they could do, and with the great second World War coming up, nothing can be said or done about hate-filled hearts, they'll be making even more money making supplies while the voices of the citizens are overwhelmed by cries of war.
The martians let them know of future events, since they are indeed time travelers. Why tell those workers of the Empire state building though? Their voices are never heard anyways, who will believe them? This was the main idea, business before anything else. The aliens got their point across, telling them would make no difference since their are the lowest of humans, yet they are depended on by everybody.