Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

    In an attempt to log the depths of the oceans which we are so unfamiliar with, a group of researchers delve into the deep Pacific ocean in their submarine, just a few miles off the coast of Peru. They use their sonar technology to relay a message to the ocean floor and shoot back to the submarine, which is displayed visually on the radar, showing anything in between the sub and the floor making their research easier.
    A storm brews not far from them and it looks unpromising. They get as work work done on the surface of the water and submerge deep into the water when the storm draws near. A storm like this is unlike any they've seen before, nasty looking and quick lightning strikes each second. A boat would be destroyed in moments in this storm, being pulled in the maelstrom and gone in a blink of an eye. Luckily, they are safe underwater, but their equipment is unresponsive.
    Hours pass and it is safe to surface again. The radar is still offline and they have no idea where to even begin. Upon reaching the surface they are greeted with nothing but water and no sense of direction. Being in the southern hemisphere, looking for the North star is not possible so they must survey the sky for something else to help out. Unable to locate a single recognizable asterism or constellation, they are truly doomed. Soon, with further observation, one researcher points out that there are two moons in the sky. With the equipment offline and no knowledge of this sky, they are truly doomed. The only thing they can do is set off in one direction and hope they find land, or hope they find Earth again.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28 - Space, 2199

The year is 2199 and the galactic empire has colonized the outskirts of the Milky Way. Business is booming in heavens we call space and technology is better than ever. Nora, a scientist who is skilled in deep-space astronomy observes a bone-chilling discovery. No longer should we need to worry about planets being consumed and dirtied by human greed, we have plenty of other artificially terra-formed planets to live on. However, she sees something off towards Polaris, the north star, about one light year from the star absorbing everything in it's path. Unidentifiable due to it's gigantic size, she believes it is a celestial being, and it's biochemistry is definitely a non-carbon based life form. This wouldn't be a problem normally, but it is eating everything. Nora knows that she must alert the public to forewarn everyone of their inevitable death. Upon making headlines of the Galactic News, everyone is aware of their future. Due to bio-engineering, humans lifespans are four times as long as they were one hundred years before. This celestial being will make it to the heart of human activity in the galaxy in just maybe two hundred and fifty years. However, like all controversial topics, there is an opposing side to this. Hank the tank, everyone's favorite rapper voices his opinion saying Nora's research is nothing but trouble, nothing but words to scare the human race. Like most people who listen to rapper's words like they are a god, they believed him. He tells his followers to stop funding the scientific effort to save everyone, and to buy his new album instead. So they do just that and Hank becomes rich enough to buy the rest of the people who have not sided with him. With the human race in another dark age, there is nothing to do. Greed has consumed all and the galaxy will soon be another meal in the space-travelling body's stomach.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - Animal Invention

Today is the day we biologically engineer dogs to do our bidding. Not necessarily performing a surgery on them, but perhaps we can add accessories to aid them. One such in mind is a robotic set of arms mounted on their back, or shoulders. Imagine your dog being able to climb trees. We will increase the intelligence of dogs by applying them to do new things they couldn't do previously. Perhaps a set of small jet engines to propel them to the deepest parts of space. Eventually there will be a dog sanctuary dedicated to letting them live in peace while experimenting with this new equipment on their own. It is a scientific breakthrough! Animal activists will shudder in fear at the new age dog.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

There isn't a day that goes by that I wish I was in the audience of an Iron Maiden concert. Most likely one of the greatest and most influential heavy metal bands of all time starting in 1975, they have almost been around for forty years! Iron Maiden is made up of six members, two rhythm guitarists, one lead, and unbelievable bassist and phenomenal drummer, and one recognizable lead vocalist who pierces the heavens with his talent. This is the definition of a pure performance. With 15 studio albums and an uncountable plethora of live performances and tours, I  believe that they are an influence to hundreds of bands and millions of people. The lead vocalist Bruce even became a pilot to go on tour with his plane taking his family and band member's families all around the world to play music for their fans. Many of their songs are based on old literature or history, such as "Genghis Khan", a hardcore, fast-paced instrumental, and "Lord of the Flies" based on the novel. Their live performances are to die for as the fans are involved in the music too, singing along to the choruses or singing the harmonies, including songs such as, "Run to the Hills", "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", "Out of the Silent Planet", "Powerslave", "The Clansmen", "Running Free", and many, many, many more. There's not a time where the crowd is not singing along and that's why I think they are the best heavy metal band/performance, the fans are involved.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25 - Literary Character

If there were a fictional character or characters that should come to life, it should be the hobbits from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien. Getting into trouble would be their main cause as they are short, nimble and can hide very easily. Where they would live is a mystery, since their abodes are usually in the sides of hills and are very big for their size. They throw huge parties for any hobbit's birthday so being friends with one will be a main priority as there's a surplus of food and drink.
They are the perfect party people, so who wouldn't want them to be real? Few have stories to tell and they can keep to themselves if need be as well, as they have for hundreds of years in their home of the Shire.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22 - Wacky Words

Tupperware is quite the invention. A plastic container with a lid, they come in all sorts of sizes. Tupperware is in fact the perfect tool to store your hot sauces. Hot sauce already comes in a bottle, so why put it in a Tupperware container? As a hot sauce enthusiast I simply must collect the most hot sauce in all of the land. Where I store it is in the kitchen, underneath the hidden tile revealing a staircase to a faux-basement, or cellar if you will, where I keep my Tupperware and hot sauce. Sometimes the hot sauce is in the Tupperware, and sometimes my Tupperware is in the hot sauce. Not a day goes by where I find a new hot sauce bottle or Tupperware container. Without these essentials, I am nothing. My hot sauce is the fire in my heart and the Tupperware is my body, holding everything together. I am indeed the physical form of Tupperware and the geyser to all hot sauces. I am the creator, everything lives under my rule of hot sauce, and everything is contained inside my Tupperware. The galaxies can be compared to Tupperware and everything inside them is hot sauce. Everything you know and understand is Tupperware and hot sauce. Engulfed in Tupperware and hot sauce is in the very near future. At this very moment, everyone you know is now Tuppersauce.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21 - Mystery Lady

O weird looking mystery lady,
So mysterious, you must be from Haiti.
Your big green hat in the shape of a sailboat,
Seems to be the only thing keeping you afloat.

The way your ear is placed next to your eye,
Perhaps it means you've come from Versailles.
The small black kitten on your chair,
Resembles the color of your creepy hair.

Your nose reminds me of a place,
of the origins of the Mongolian race.
Your inverted arm has many a story to tell,
There must be something wrong with each bone cell.

Your features, though they seem scary,
Could phase even the most unwary.
However, let no one bring you down,
One day, you will attract the most wonderful of clown.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20 - Alter Ego

Shrek, the resident of the local swamp finds happiness by being left alone. Shrek harms no one except for those that deserve it. During his days, he does what he can to live in peace by doing what is necessary, such as his chores. During the nights, everyone assumes he is resting but they couldn't have been more wrong. When the sun falls and the stars emerge, Shrek embarks on his nightly routine, starting through the forest into town. By day, he is Shrek, big green ogre whom everyone despises for being a big green ogre. By night, he is Dreck, a big green ogre whom everyone loves for his inspirational actions and words.
"We are all like onions, peel away the outer skin to reveal your true being." Dreck pronounces in the town square. No one is aware of his real ego, Shrek. This deeply saddens him as the words he spoke that night were to encourage the townspeople to have an open mind to everybody, no matter how green they are. Shrek is Dreck on most nights to teach a moral lesson, yet nobody listens. This is why he is the large, green, misunderstood ogre that we all know of. Perhaps there is a big green ogre inside all of us.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

    They speak of an old church from the late 1800s a few miles off of the highway. What exactly is said is unknown for no one has ventured back to tell the story. This church mostly attracts high school students and graduates, because what else will they do with their free time? Parked, worn down cars line the parking lot, about a half mile from this spooky structure, as if they haven't been used in years.
   A group of three teenagers decide to spend their Saturday night here, grave digging, exploring, or whatever else their little hearts desire. Upon arriving, they are greeted by the massive amount of cars which almost all have been broken into or vandalized. They've heard stories of the people who never return, which of course means they want to go inside and peek around the property.
    They begin walking towards the church after they grab their flashlights and shovels. A foggy mist shrouds them and they start to feel a little scared. The fog deepens the farther they go, but they can see the outline of the building a few feet away, and to the left is the cemetery. Pulling their spades out of their backpack, they go to the tombstones and begin spelunking for quite some time, after finding a great big memorial in the center of the area.
    The misty fog begins to dissipate and a foul stench surrounds the group. Frequently checking their surroundings, they find not a thing. The hole which they have been working on for so many hours is almost complete. Taking a quick break, they take a look into the hole and a figure shoots out, up onto the surface. It is a spooky skeleton and he looks vicious. "I will rend you from your fleshy bodies to expose a great secret." he says. He slices them and reveals that they too, have spooky skeletons inside them. This was the reason no one returns, for under the great big memorial is Skeleton City, the scariest, most spookiest place on this planet Earth.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15 - Kindergarten

    I was so tired that morning, much like every morning, but this one was different. It was morning of my first day of kindergarten. There's not much that I remember in the days when I was a wee lad, but this day was different. It was the first time I left home for a few hours. The school was so close to my house, why did I have to leave for just a few short hours a day, why couldn't I stay home? That's what I would have thought at the time if I could think for myself then. Like most young children, all information is fed to you, the only time you have for thinking is during playtime with your imagination.
   It was scary at first, the homeroom was huge, you could smell the school pizza that was being made for lunch which I recall smelled quite differently from regular pizza, and I knew nobody. I just wanted to go home, until recess, which was the conclusion of each and every day of kindergarten. Recess was what I looked forwards to from kindergarten to eighth grade, I made sure to establish that much throughout school.
    So many posters of the alphabet or first ten digits across the room, cardboard cut outs and construction paper everywhere, it was extremely overwhelming. My short attention span quickly made the room boring and such a bore to be in that I spent most of my time daydreaming. What I daydreamed about can't be brought up to mind; it is lost in the cesspool of other children's thoughts and imaginations. This is what makes kindergarten unique, we all have different perspectives as little tykes and your classmates are learning the same material as you, but how you interact with what you learn, incorporating your imagination is what this an unforgettable time.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14 - Gross

    Imagine yourself on a beach, pouring suntan lotion on your body and getting ready for a nice warm day of soaking up the sun. You could describe the same thing almost similarly about the hearty Asian cuisine of live octopus. Sannakji is the term for live dish, or eating the freshest thing on the planet, an almost alive octopus. After cutting the tentacles of the creature off, it is served immediately to preserve and ensure that it is extremely fresh, or you can eat it without cutting it up. It's going to move around or twitch on your plate and in your mouth either way. The regular consumers of Sannakji enjoy the feeling of the octopus moving around in their mouth, as it has a rather bland taste, so seasoning is encouraged.
   The creature is usually dead, however, when coming in contact with salt when you pour your soy sauce over it, the limbs that were once dead start moving again as the nerves and muscles become active. Seasoning and adding taste to the octopus is much different from sprinkling crushed red peppers onto your pizza, as the pizza will not "come back to life".
    If you enjoy your food still moving, disregard the pizza because Sannakji is definitely for you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13 - Animal

    There are many animals and creatures in this world that all have a purpose to fulfill, whether it be caring for their young or just trying to survive for themselves. We too have goals that we thrive to accomplish to give a more complete life experience. There is one animal however, that must learn his purpose through hard work and determination. Oscar the snake has established he wants to be an A-list celebrity and professional dancer. Although, due to his small size, lack of legs and a non-existent vocabulary, Oscar believes he cannot accomplish these deeds.
    Oscar lies in a field, half-awake, after having a big ol' mouse for dinner the previous night. Upon opening his sweet little eyes, he is dazed when he discovers that the power of the English language had been embedded in his tiny snake brain. He ponders for moments when he realizes the mouse he ate was a radioactive laboratory mouse that has the intelligence of a middle school student. As more moments pass he makes out the words, "holly" and "wood" and sets out west to test to newly found knowledge.
    During the trip west, Oscar feels a little sick below the stomach. He looks down his snaky body to reveal two little stubs where legs would be. He believes to grow a full set of legs by the next morning, thanks to the radioactivity of the nourishing mouse. Recalling the geography class the mouse took, he quickly realizes he is in the Mojave desert of Nevada and understands he must camp for the night. The mouse, still somehow digesting in his body, gives him just enough energy to find a nice spot to sleep.
    After waking in the morning as the desert is heating up, he looks down to reveal long, green legs, still just as slithery as the rest of him except Oscar is now a bipedal being of reptilian descent. Quite the sight this would be, he is afraid that Hollywood wants nothing to do with him. He decides there is no turning back and now walks closer and closer to his destiny. Along the border of Nevada, he feels something in his legs, like they have a mind of their own. The mouse he digested was a ballet dancer of the gods and Oscar now harnesses the power within. He deduces that a ballet snake is just what Hollywood needs so he goes now to finish his quest.
    Arriving in the metro area of California, Oscar is greeted with ugly stares and scary, unfamiliar faces. He sees the movie interviewing building across the street and dances away to it. As he crosses the street whilst dancing in the most beautiful of fashions, a driver is blinded by the alluring ballet moves he is executing and Oscar is hit head on, crippling his new legs and barely alive. The culprit drives on as if nothing happened, and Oscar questions his existence. "I was so close," he thinks, "and here I am dying in the middle of the street, doing what I loved to do." With his dying breath he realizes he is nothing but a radiated snake with a dream that was almost concluded and that was good enough for him.
Facts about other snakes like Oscar.