Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9 - Persona Poetry

Jerome is
from the heart within
The product derived from passion
Crime infested cities
To the islands of Japan
Action is everywhere to be found
As well as drug-ridden mob bosses
Loved by many however
Small independence
Yet then grows to fame
Such is the life of
In medias res.
Often known
robbing diamond stores
or perhaps seeking revenge
someone will surely die
someone you know well
or someone you hate
What is it that I get from this
the feeling of accomplishment
and maybe living
what I could not before
It won't be clear
but I know I must continue
to do the things that
make others happy too.
So we go now
Let us make history
There is no crutch in the way
Make good movies

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2 - Top Secret

It is a great day for snow and work is canceled, at least for me. My wife who works in the Counter Terrorism Unit must go to work, but takes a shower beforehand. I wrap up in my warm blankets and try to fall asleep. Everything is fine until I start hearing her voice coming out of the shower. She must think I'm asleep, of course, so who is she talking to? I begin to hear some secrets that weren't for me to hear. She reveals secrets that the United States government is buying up all the warm blankets in the country so that no one can sleep in during snow days. It is further revealed she is seeing someone else, an associate from her work as well.
Weeks have passed and she has left me and I have no warm blankets. Life is over.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21 - Ekphrasis

The end of days is when Titans walk
All deformed, large, and here to mock
They roam the fields with such odd shape
All whom have seen this sight wear a black crape
Eventually they destroy till nothing more
And they shrivel and die, in this land of lore

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20 - Emotions

After moving to San Francisco due to her father finding a new job, Riley is having a battle in her head between her 5 most important emotions, Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgust. Though Riley and her emotions will never meet each other, they must work together to come to a resolve.
She is feeling extreme Fear when moving from the calm Midwest, to the uppity and busy West Coast. Perhaps she is also angry at her parents for making her move involuntarily. At no point in time right now does she feel any Joy. Disgusted at the polluted West Coast, she misses her old home and now feels sadness. It now seems none of her emotions can get along. However, after sneaking into her father's office, she reads plans of a top secret mission. This is the reason they have moved to the West Coast. Her father is part of the mafia and has been sent here to survey the land for any illegal suspicious activity that would flounder the business. She now feels Joy and all her other emotions have come to a resolve.
The End

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17 - Found Poem

Working with what I'm given

City Burning
A mystery of razing remains
She smirked and tossed her hair
Public enemy number one
I'm here for you
I took a deep breath
She looked at me
Long and hard
done and done
I'm not in any hurry
The fish.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday. November 14 - The Berlin Wall

As a young boy living in Eastern Berlin I had never seen the outside world. This was my home and it was normal to have guns pointed at you daily. I thought that this happened everywhere in the world but they told me it was just in this half of Berlin. They said the wall was there to protect us but my parents told me that was a lie.
Later when I was at the age of 15, I decided that I couldn't take this life anymore. I wanted to get away but I did not know how. Approaching the wall would get me shot and that was really the only option I could think of. My parents told me I had an older brother living on the West side of the wall that they hadn't spoken to in years, and whom I've never met. I had to get to him somehow. Then it hit me; I would have to travel through the sewers.
I had spent an entire six months plotting courses and finding routes where the sewers lead. My parents did not want me to do this, but they didn't want to stop me either. They said I had a much better chance than them at escaping, but I had a choice. Leave East Berlin and probably never see my parents again to live a better life, or I stick with them through thick and thin. After careful consideration, I told them I was doing this for them. I left later that night, past curfew. I studied the guards nightly routines daily which made it easier for me to leave.
I made it into the sewer carrying only a flashlight, a little bit of food and clothes, and my map. I was now on my own for the rest of my days it seemed. Traversing the epic sewage systems was the only way I could get across the wall. If you can't go over a wall, you might as well go under it. I was in there for so long I had no idea if it was light or dark on the surface. Eventually, I reached what I thought was my destination and opening the manhole showed I was on the other side of the wall. I had made it! Finding my brother, the one who I have never met or even seen a photograph of, was now the real problem. To make a long story short, I never found him. I spent the rest of the days in West Berlin as a street rat, living off old bread and other nasty food. I could tell no one my name as they could easily send me back to the East. This is how life had to be, and I lived it as best as I could.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13 - Macabre Arts

This image to me represents a group of people being driven out of their homeland and living in agony. Living the rest of their days being oppressed and forced around. I initially thought it was a Trail of Tears depiction, people crying for help and clinging to their loved ones. Upon further consideration, I boiled it down to a World War II concentration camp and the eradication of the Jewish people. I see the Star of David and a gas barrel. Not much else can be said about the picture itself besides the obvious pain all of these people are in.